All About Us Enmunity Acupuncture

Established on 2/16/2021, Enmunity Acupuncture is dedicated to achieving a holistic balance of Energy (Qi) and Immunity, essential forces that sustain health and resilience. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qi, or life energy, flows through pathways (meridians) in the body, while the immune system serves as a defense mechanism against illness.

female doctor
acupunture needle in pot

Our Mission Statement

In today’s fast-paced world, stress levels are rising, particularly in Silicon Valley, where the demands of work and life take an ever-growing toll on health. Acupuncture, a safe and effective natural therapy with a rich history spanning over 2,500 years, offers powerful support for well-being. Backed by extensive clinical and scientific research, acupuncture plays a crucial role in enhancing health and resilience against the strains of modern living.

Our Vision Statement

At Enmunity Acupuncture, our vision is to blend Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern care to empower individuals of all ages to achieve optimal wellness. We focus on restoring energy (Qi) and immunity balance through personalized treatments, fostering lasting vitality and holistic health.

herbal medicines